At the dental practice of Dr. Derek Lichter, we offer high-quality dental crowns to not only restore the shape and strength of your teeth but also enhance their overall appearance.

What Are Dental Crowns?

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that covers the entire visible surface of your tooth, providing comprehensive restoration. Our dental crowns in Chula Vista, California, are an ideal solution for various dental needs, including:

  • Protecting a Weak Tooth: Crowns prevent breakage of weakened teeth.
  • Stabilizing Cracked Teeth: Crowns hold together cracked teeth for improved stability.
  • Restoring Broken Teeth: Crowns repair and rejuvenate broken teeth.
  • Renewing Worn-Down Teeth: Crowns can bring life back to worn-down teeth.
  • Supporting Large Fillings: Dental crowns reinforce teeth with large fillings.
  • Securing Dental Bridges: Crowns will hold dental bridges securely in place.
  • Covering Dental Implants: Crowns will complete the restoration process for dental implants.
  • Cosmetic Alterations: A crown can enhance the aesthetic appearance of your smile.
  • Saving Extremely Damaged Teeth: Crowns can rescue teeth extensively damaged by decay.
  • Protecting Children’s Teeth: Crowns work to safeguard the health of children’s teeth.

The Dental Crown Process

The placement of a dental crown involves a careful and precise process, and typically require two appointments to complete:

  1. Numbing and Preparation: Our dentist will numb the tooth and surrounding area with a local anesthetic. The tooth surfaces are gently shaved to create space for the crown.
  2. Impressions: Impressions of your teeth are taken and sent to a dental lab for crown creation.
  3. Temporary Crown: A temporary crown is provided until the permanent one is ready. During this period, avoid chewy, sticky and hard foods.
  4. Permanent Cementation: Once your custom crown is ready, visit our office for permanent cementation over your tooth.

Is a Dental Crown Right For You?

Discover whether a dental crown in Chula Vista, California is the ideal solution for your smile by contacting our office today at 619-591-8945. We are dedicated to providing personalized and effective dental solutions to enhance the health and beauty of your teeth.