
Complete Your Smile with Dentures

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Having dentures can help you in more ways than giving you a beautiful smile. Did you know, having dentures can also help you eat or talk normally when you have missing teeth? Well, it’s true! Thousands of people have turned to dentures to help them with a smile restoration and to help them eat some of their favorite foods again. That is why our team here at Derek M. Lichter, DDS, Inc. in Chula Vista, California, is happy to talk to you today about dentures.

Complete dentures:
Complete dentures are used to replace all your teeth in an arch of your mouth. There are times, where you may only need one arch depending on your individual needs. However, whether you need one arch or both, our staff can give you the set you need to complete your smile. One thing you can use to secure your dentures into place is using a denture adhesive, so you can have stability with your dentures.

Partial dentures:
A partial denture is used if you are missing teeth, continue to have some remaining natural teeth. This denture has thin framework or clasps that attach to the natural teeth for a strong and secure fit. With partial dentures, you may still have some healthy teeth of your own. Having the secure fit with your natural teeth can give you stability with your partial dentures.

As you can see, dentures can restore your smile and give you a smile you can enjoy and be proud of in time for the holiday season. So, don’t delay, call us today at 619-591-8945. Our friendly staff is always happy to address any questions or concerns you have pertaining to your oral care. Let us help you complete your smile today.